The largest collection of authentic Pakistani recipes online!
I started this site with a few recipes on static pages back in the mid 90’s when I was in college. Then life happened. Work, kids and no time to update this site. Technology has changed. I don’t have time to do TikTok videos but I’m keeping this site going. As a student one of the biggest problems I had was FOOD! Its something most of us take for granted back home but when we try our hand at it, most of us find it isnt as easy as it looks. Actually it IS pretty easy, as long as you know what you’re doing and what you’re trying to make. Throwing everything into a pot all at once and letting it cook will certainly not turn out too good.
Now that my kids are in college – it’s come full circle as my kids use the site to cook. Crazy how time flies.
Here I have a collection of Pakistani recipes (thanks Mom) so that you guys/girls out there can look them up and cook somthing decent once in a while. Oh..a word of advice (from experience), make sure you have all the ingredients before you start cooking.
I’ll try to keep updating the site with new recipes, helpful videos and other content. Send me a note – let me know what you would like to see!
In the meantime, Bon Appetite!
If you find this site useful and the recipes work for you, as a sign of appreciation, PLEASE donate a small amount to the local masjid or charity of your choice.
Thank you.
All the recipies on this site belong to my Mom, Saeeda. Ive tried them all and they turned out great. Special thanks to my sis, Humera, who typed it all out for me. Web site created and maintained by Ghazanfar Khan Ghori.
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